Garrick Green

Infant School

5th February 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Beach huts and scary stories 


Year 1

This week we have recapped all of the split digraphs a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. We have really focussed on spotting these in words and remembering to say the sounds correctly to read. We have also thought about real and nonsense words. 

Here are some games you can play at home.


Year 2

This week we have been recapping the digraphs that make the /er/ sound- er/ir/ur.

Here are this week’s spellings…












We have also been using the dictionaries to help learn how to spell words and learning the meaning of words.



We started the week by thinking about rhyming words- words which have the same end sound. We made up silly rhymes with words ending in the -air sound and looked at all the different spellings of these words (ere, are, ear, air). You could always have a go at this at home!

After this we will be sequencing the main events of the story The Bear Under the Stairs by Helen Cooper before drawing a story map to create our own version of the story. Then we will use this plan to write our own version of the story.



Year 1

This week in year 1 we have recapped counting in 2s and also focussed on groups of 2. Then we have learned about counting in 10s. We have used a hundred square to spot the patterns. When we were confident to count forwards and backwards in 10s we thought about counting groups of 10. We played a game called “Huggies” where we got into groups and then counted how many fingers there were in total by counting in 10s. Finally we put objects into groups of 10 and found the totals.

AT HOME - can you find out how many fingers in your family by counting in 10s? What if a friend comes to play - how many now?

Have fun finding lots of 10s!


Year 2

We have carried on with multiplication this week and using arrays ( to show that multiplication is commutative depending on where we look at the columns or rows…


This picture shows that 3 x 10 = 10 x 3. Is it easier to count in 3s 10 times or 10s 3 times? 

We then used our knowledge of doubles to help us solve problems for the two times tables.

2 x 6 = 12

Double 6 is 6 + 6 

Finally, we reminded ourselves that halving is the inverse (opposite) of doubling. We used bar models and counters to find halves of numbers…


At home you could have a go at Topmarks Daily 10 Level 2 - Doubles/Halves - up to 10 or 20.


D&T Project - Beach Huts

This week the children will be making their beach huts based on their designs. We have a range of materials to make strong joints and then will be decorating our huts to make them bright & colourful. Finally we will evaluate our designs think about what went well and what we could have done differently.