Garrick Green

Infant School

8th January 2024 Emerald, Teal & Sage

Hats, number and coastline


Year 1

This week we have been focussing on the split digraph a-e. We have been really focussed on reading words containing the digraph and making sure that we spot it. Here are some of the words we have been reading and spelling:

hat - hate

scar - scare

rat - rate






Year 2

This week we have been recapping the digraphs & trigraphs that make an /ie/ sound- ie, igh, y and i-e.

This week’s spellings are…













Our first text this term is Jon Klassen’s I Want My Hat Back’. We started the week by looking at lots of different hats and asking questions about them. We played lots of games to help us ask and answer questions and the children had a go at writing questions and remembering to use a question mark at the end rather than a full stop. 

Next we started to read the story and thought about how the characters might be feeling and what they might be saying to each other. 



Year 1

This week we have been thinking about addition. We have been learning all the pairs of numbers that total 10 - 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5. 

Here is a link to a song we have really enjoyed that helps us in case you want to sing it at home!


We have also been balancing equations and working out that addition can be done in any order and the answer will still be the same. 


5 + 3 = 3 + 5


When looking at these we have worked out that the = (equals sign) means “is the same answer as”.  So when we say the equations it makes sense. 


Five plus three “is the same answer as” Three plus five”

Year 2

This week we started the week with recapping our number bonds to 10 and using these to help with addition and subtraction.

When we know 

6+4=10 we know…





And if we know

10-3=7 we know





We then moved on to adding and subtracting single digits from 2 digit numbers where we have to cross the tens boundary. We have used practical resources and then pictures to help us with this. Below are some examples…

29 + 3 = 

First we make 29.

Then we get 3 more and fill up the tens frame.

Next we exchange 10 ones for 1 ten because the tens frame is full.

Finally we count the tens and ones.

29 + 3 = 32


Geography Project - Coastline

This week we have continued with our geography project Coastline. We learnt about how to stay safe at the coast and the important work that the RNLI do. 

We looked at the Norfolk coastline and discovered where the RNLI lifeboat stations are and wrote letters to thank the RNLI for all that they do. Did you know that Cromer lifeboat station has received 56 medals for gallantry? We will also be learning more about the physical features stacks.


Emerald Class - PE days are now Monday and Tuesday

Teal Class - PE days are now Tuesday and Thursday

Tuesday 16th is our Family Book Share- gates will be open from 240pm. Please come into classes and enjoy reading a book with your child(ren).

Thursday 18th - 10 year 2 children are going to a PE Festival