Acle Academy


Exam Information

General GCSE timetables will be posted on the Examinations Notice Board in the main corridor (opposite Room 1) and on the school's website.

Detailed information regarding specific subjects and tiers to be taken will be issued to students mid-end January in the format of a ‘provisional timetable’. These timetables will need to be checked carefully to ensure the correct entries are made to Examination Boards.  A Notice to Candidates from JCQ will also be issued at this time, detailing Regulations, but in brief they are as follows:-

  • Mobile phones and electrical equipment are not permitted in the examination halls and must be switched off and placed in the tray held out by the Invigilator.  These will then be placed in the Examination Officer's room for safe keeping.   Students risk disqualification if caught with a mobile phone on their person.
  • Once a student enters the Examination Room there must be no communication with other students at all.
  • Students must provide all their own equipment e.g. black pens, pencils, rulers etc., these must be in a clear pencil case or plastic bag. Calculator lids are not permitted in any examination room. The school is unable to provide equipment for examinations and therefore students must bring this with them. Students may not use correcting fluid, highlighters, gel pens.
  • Water bottles with labels removed are allowed in examinations (no juice/squash). NO FOOD is allowed in Examination Rooms unless a student has a pre-declared medical condition (written medical consent is required for this).

Seating Arrangements

Seat plans for each examination will be displayed on the ‘Examination Noticeboard’ in the main corridor (opposite Room 1). This includes students who have special access arrangements. Students should check these seat plans to ensure they know where they need to go to for each of their examinations. Seat plans are arranged in candidate number order and may also be in tier order (foundation or higher).  Please note if your candidate number does not appear on any seat plan, please notify the Examinations Officer immediately.

All GCSE exam candidates must register in the dining room during their pre-exam briefing and do not need to go to form.  This is for morning and afternoon exams.  For Year 11 students who have already left but still need to attend school for examinations, they have to register at the student desk outside the exam hall for each exam on each day by signing in and signing out.  This is very important for fire regulations.

External examinations will start promptly at 9:15am and 1:30pm. All students should arrive 10 minutes before the start time of an examination at the appropriate room.

Students will have to remain in the Examination Rooms until the end of an examination regardless of whether they have finished the exam or not. There may be some occasions where an exam runs over the end of the school day.  If this happens then alternative arrangements will be needed to be made for students to get home.  This is likely to be applicable to students who are allocated extra time or if we have to run more than one exam session due to accommodating a high number of students for the same exam.

Information for parents/carers

Click here for more information on supporting students with exams.

Contact Information

Examinations Officer: Alistair Lottering
Telephone: 01493 750431 Ext: 634