Acle Academy

Our House System

We are committed to providing the highest quality pastoral care.  All students from Year 7 to Year 11 have their own personal tutor and belong to a mixed ability form group.  The role of the form teacher is to offer personal and academic support to students so that effective learning and student well-being are paramount at all times. Each form is part of a larger  family of support within our House system.  Our House system, led by our Senior Leadership team, encourages a team ethos across the school.

The house system was revived in 2017 and pays respect to the founding members of the school who named the houses after local rivers.

Rivers have symbolic significance throughout our culture. They are symbols of freedom, transitions, life and the flow of time. Rivers are ever moving constants in an otherwise stationary world- they constantly change, move forward and find ways around obstacles to meet their destination. Just like a journey of a river, life at school can be full of twists and turns which our young people will overcome on their journey to their future.  Small rivers grow stronger as they join with others- just as students’ learning and development grows when you share that with others. Together, students have strength and power to over-come obstacles.

Our house system also reflects our natural heritage in our beautiful landscape of Acle and surrounding areas.


21,514 points


7AKE - Miss A. Kent

7RLE - Mrs. R. Lee

8EBA - Mrs. E. Barber

9JCU - Miss F. Denny

10GFR - Mr. G. Frost

11CCH - Mrs. C. Chapman / Ms. N. White


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7EBX - Mrs. E. Barber

7MGR - Mr. M. Green

8COR - Mr. C. Orton

9BHA - Miss B. Halpin

10DSE - Ms. D. Segurado

11NHA/AWE - Mrs. N. Hanner / Mrs. A. Nethersell-Webb

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7SFI - Mr. S. Field

8SEV - Miss S. Evans

8HPR - Miss H. Pring

9IKE - Mr. I. Kennedy

10MJA - Mrs. M. Jacotine

11NBD - Miss N. Burdett / Mrs. A. Gilbert

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7JBI - Miss J. Bridson

8JHV - Mrs. J. Harveyson / Mrs. A. Nethersell-Webb

9NMC - Mrs. N. McNulty

10KCA - Ms. K. Carrington / Mrs. V. Mackie

11ZCL - Mrs. Z. Cullen / Mrs. C. Halls