Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 11.3.24

This week...

#we are carrying out end of term assessments. We will do a dictated sentence independently to assess the chidlren's writing skills. We will also do a series of maths tasks to asses their maths skills. These assessments allow us to see what areas we need to really focus on in the summer term. 

We are talking about feelings this week and recapping flip you lid. We will talk about when we have experienced certain feelings, how our face shows certain feelings and how to regulate if these feelings get too big.


We are also going over the NSPCC PANTS lesson and discussing good and bad touch. Ypou can find out more information about PANTS by clicking here.

NSPCC talks PANTS in new campaign - Design Week

In phonics Reception children are learning that ew is an alternative for the ue sound e.g. few. Year 1 children are learning ph for the f sound e.g. phase.

In RE we are continuing to look at Spring and the signs that can tell us it's Spring. We will be doing our weekly yoga and mindfulness session.

Don't forget on Wednesday morning we are doing a maths event - you should all have had an email with more detail on last week.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. 

The daily stories this week are all animal stories. One of these sessions is in the library. 

Have a good week!