Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 15.4.24

Welcome back...

We hope you all had a great Easter break.

This week we are starting our new project 'Animal Safari' We will be reading Dear Zoo and then playing a game of I went to the zoo and saw... to see which animals the children think they could find in a zoo and this also helps with memory skills as they have to remember what the children have said before their turn. We will also be learning about how to look after pets and we will read the story 'We All Went On a Safari' to learn about which animals live in the United Kingdom and which animals live further away.

Barefoot Books - We All Went on a Safari (A Counting Journey through  Tanzania - English and Swahili)

The daily stories are all themed around feelings.

This week in phonics Reception children are learning about the soft c and learning the rule that when the c is followed by a e, i or y normally makes the s sound. Year 1 are recapping the alternatives for the long a - ai, ay and a_e. 

SOFT C vs HARD C 🤔 | What's the difference? | Learn with examples

The children will be writing a daily dictated sentence, continuing with story scribes and acting them out. This term we are really trying to develop the children's independent writing skills in order to prepare them more for next year. 

In maths we are really focussing on the number patterns of adding one each time to make the number 1 more - we are looking at the numberblocks and making sure they are in the right order and also noticing the staircase effect as the numbers increase. We will also be looking at counting backwards and the numbers being one less each time. We will also start to apply what we know about number bonds to 5 and starting to apply this to 10. We will be revising time and looking at clocks and telling the o' clock time. 

Tell the time at o'clock and half past

In RSHE we are talking about relationships and who is in our family. In RE we are learning about homes around the world. We will also be doing our weekly yoga and mindfulness sessions. 

Have a good week!