Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 4.3.24

This week...

in Project we are learning about what dinosaurs eat and we will sort dinosaurs into carnivores or herbivores. We will read the story Katie and the Dinosaurs to learn more about the lives and habits of dinosaurs. We all continue to read other stories about dinosaurs in both Jade and Olive class as part of our daily story.


We will continue to write dictated sentences to really practise what we have learnt. We are continuing with story scribes. We are also continuing to practice or handwriting and will be doing the last of the curly caterpillar letters. We will send these home so you can continue to practice these at home as it seems to be making a difference to handwriting.

In Phonics Reception children are learning about ir and ur as alternatives for er e.g. surf, stir. Year 1s are learning alternatives for or - aw/al/au e.g. awful, tall, august.

In maths we are learning about the number 10, practising counting forwards and backwards in 1s and reallt thinking about adding one more or taking one away and that gives us the number one less or one more. 

Thursday is World Book Day so please remember to dress as an emotion that day - it can be as simple as wearing a certain colour to display that feeling. We have got a whole day centred around a story that the children will be able to tell you all about. The day will involve games drama and discussions relating to the story. We have also got the highlight of a real life author visit and we will be sharing the book she has written so we are very excited about this. Please don't forget to go and spend your book token that was in book bags a few weeks ago. 

In RE the children will be learning about Spring and talking about baby animals and spotting other signs of spring. 

Have a good week!