Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Blog 7.5.24

This week...

for our project Animal Safari we have had a special visitor in today - A lady called Alison brought her guide dog in and the children got to meet the guide dog and found out how the guide dog helped Alison every day. The children will also look at the book Animals are delicious and learn about food chains. 

In phonics Reception children are learning about the alternatives for the long e - ee, y, e_e - e.g. sleep, very, Pete. Year 1s are learning about the alternatives for the long i - ie, igh, i_e. e.g. tie, high, bike. We will be continuing to write story scribes and write a daily dictated sentence.

In maths the children are learning about sorting by specific criteria by looking closely for similarities and differences. We are also doing a bit more about doubles. 

In RSHE we will be discussing falling out with friends and how to help. In RE the children will be learning about churches. 

The daily stories continue to be animal themed.

Don't forget it's the family bookshare on Thursday where you can come into your child's class at 2.45 and share a story with them. 

Share a story | The Word, National Centre for the Written Word, South  Shields