Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog 22.4.24

This week...

In phonics Reception children are learning about the soft g - e.g. energy. The rule is if a g is followed by an i, e or y it is a j sound but there are exceptions to the rule. Year 1 are learning about the alternatives for the long e - ee, y, ea and e_e. 

We will be writing a dictated sentence every day as well as continuing with story scribes and acting these out. The stories this week in both classes are based on animals.

In project this week we will be looking at the patterns animals have on their skin/fur e.g. spots and stripes. We will be having a go at drawing these animals and their patterns. 

Stripes, Spots And Rosettes: Understanding Feline Fur Patterns - Wildlife  SOS

We will also be learning about dog agility and then making our own obstacle courses. 

In maths we are revisiting subitising where the children can say how many items there are without needing to count them by looking at patterns.

Subitising Cards - Calculate

We are also going to be looking at the Part Whole model again but talking more about the parts of 10. We are also going to work on subtraction using objects to help us. We will also be investigating odds and evens and learning how to make 2 equal groups by sharing fairly with even numbers. 

In RSHE we will be recapping flipping the lid and discussing regulation strategies that can help when we have big feelings. In RE we will be learning about special places. 

Please remember it is the Norse taster session on Thursday if you have signed up to come!

Primary School Meals in Norfolk and Suffolk | Norse Catering