Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog week beginning 11.09.23

Well done to all the children in Olive and Jade class for completing their first full week of school (Reception children - half days but it's still a momentous occasion!) The children have all been fabulous and have settled in brilliantly! The parents have also done a marvellous job at supporting us all with this so a big thank you to all! 

They have started to get to know their class mates and new friendships have started to blossom. They have been discovering all the fun things to do both inside and outside as well as learning all the new rules and routines that there at school. The Year 1s have done a great job at helping the Reception children settle in. We have also played some getting to know you games and read a lot of stories which everyone seemed to enjoy! 

The Year 1s have been doing sentence writing all week, reading and lots of counting. All the children have drawn a picture of themselves and the Reception children did their first piece of writing. 

The only thing that is a bit tricky for some children is getting their shoes on and off themselves so if you could all practise this at home we would be very grateful! 

If you haven't done so already please could you send in or email a family photo to go above your child's peg.

We hope you all have a relaxing weekend and we look forward to welcoming you all back in at 8.30 on Monday morning when Reception will be doing full days! 

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