Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog week beginning 16.10.23

Wow, the last week of the first half term! 

The time has gone so quickly because we have been so busy settling in at school, getting to know everyone, making new friends and doing lots of new learning. The children have all done amazingly well and seem to be enjoying school which is lovely to see.

This week in phonics EYFS are doing l, f, b, ai and j - the ai is the first digraph the children have learnt. A digraph is 2 letters that make one sound ai as in tail. The Year 1s are doing ou, oi, ue, er and ar. Some of the Reception children will be getting their first reading book this week so look out for these in bookbags. Please try to hear your child read every day or look at the word box words daily so that they get lots of practice.

The Year 1s are continuing to write a daily sentence and their morning work is writing cvc words that match to a picture e.g. mop. Reception children are doing letter formation daily practice. All children are doing squiggle and dough disco daily to help develop motor control.

The stories we are reading in Olive class are all Percy the Park Keeper stories and in Jade class we are reading a selection of stories about adventures.

In maths we are learning about the number 3. We are looking at how 3 can be made up and the patterns you can make with 3 objects like how they are positioned on a dice. We would like the children to be able to recognise that there are 3 objects without counting them and just recognising them by sight.

The children are starting free flow this week where they can choose to play in the other class so they get to mix more with the other class more. It also means that they will be able to play with different toys and do different activities. 

In RE we are continuing to learn about special people and in RSHE we are learning about using kind hands and kind words.

We hope you have a great half-term holiday - please make sure that your child still has a complete set of spare clothes at school when they return on Monday 30th October.