Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog week beginning 18.9.23

A week of full days!

Well done to all the Reception children (and parents) for getting to the end of the first week of full days! The children have all done amazingly well again, although by the afternoon you can see they are tired from all the fun and excitement at school! 

We have continued to play some getting to know you games which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. They have listened well to the instructions and have successfully played all the games. It has been lovely to see some of the initial shyness when starting school disappear and hear giggles whilst playing these games.

We have continued to assess the children starting points completeing the baseline assessments so we know each child's starting point so we know what we need to teach this year.

We have read lots of lovely stories - Jade class have sharing Judith Kerr stories about Mog the cat and Olive class have been sharing Sue Hendra books. 

                         Mog in the Dark: Kerr, Judith, Kerr, Judith: 9780007171330:  Books               BARRY THE FISH WITH FINGERS PA – Storysmith


In the afternoons, we have been doing some mindfulness and relaxation - we have been listening to some audio stories where we focus on what we can see in our imagination, what we might smell/taste and how we feel. The children have responded well to this and it gives them a bit of time to allow their brains to reflect and just be.

The Year 1s have been writing a daily sentence, and have been reading their books. They have been out for their PE lesson with Mr Brister. Reception children have been learning how to form the letters in their names. 

There has been lots of play both indoors and outside.

Have a good weekend!