Garrick Green

Infant School

Olive and Jade Class Blog week beginning 25.09.23

We are half way through the first half term...

The children seem to all have taken coming into school in their stride and it is lovely to see all the smiley faces each morning! We are so glad that they are enjoying their days at school.

This week we have been designing our Christmas cards - there will be more information to follow but you will have the opportunity for your child's design to be turned into cards, wrapping paper, gift tags plus much more for you to purchase. The Reception children have been doing finger painted Christmas trees or baubles and the Y1s are doing a reindeer picture that they are printing. They all look very effective and we think that you will be impressed!

We have started phonics this week and there will be more information to follow in an email. The sounds that we are covering this week in Reception are s, a, t, i and p. We will send home the actions and letter formation sheets on Friday for the children to do it home to reinforce what we have done in class. We are reminding the children to hold their pencils with pinchy fingers and not taking their pencils of the page until the letter is completed. The Year 1s are doing ai, j, oa, ie and ee/or. There is an app which is about £5 if you would like this to use at home too but please only look at the sounds we have covered so far

There is also an app that has the songs that go alongside each sound - 

There are a number of free youtube videos containing the songs too


Jolly Phonics Songs | Primary 3 Class Blog

Olive class are reading stories by Judith Kerr about Mog and Jade class are reading books by Sue Hendra.


Mog (Judith Kerr) - Wikipedia


We are continuing to do baseline assessments with all the children so we can see what they know already and what we need to teach.

We are still doing a relax time in the afternoons where the children listen to an auditory and lie down.

There has been lots of play both inside and out and we have been continuing to play getting to know you games.

In RSHE we have covered the beginning of the NSPCC PANTS campaign, which teaches children that their private parts are private. This is all about keeping children safe and teaching them the rules. You can find out more here -


Have a good week!